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Open Eyed Meditation through digital neon flowering light is new type of meditation technique. It is very intresting, holliestic and benegicial for our full body. It not only increases  or inhances our concentration but also strenthened our all small to big organs of the body. So after completing the open eyed meditation one can feel stressless, away from all kind of tensions and calm and happy.

🅿︎🆁︎🅾︎🅲︎🅴︎🆂︎🆂︎: There is a simple process to start it. Sit down easily and comfortably. Keep your spine erect. Open your eyes, see this beautiful digital flowering video calmly. Think positive whatever comes in your mind by seeing the scenes. In this session per 2 minute take a long breath in and  breath out slowly and slowly.
At last you will feel much energetic, calm and happy.

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Open Eyed Meditation 2 is somehow short animation video. So when you have less time you can use it. The meditation process is similar to earlier one. 
through digital neon flowering light is new type of meditation technique. It is very intresting and benegicial for our full body. It not only increases  or inhances our concentration but also strenthened our all small to big organs of body. So after the open eyed meditation one can feel stressless, away from all kind of tensions and feel calm and happy.

Note: If you can like to meditation music than please write in the comment box.

🅿︎🆁︎🅾︎🅲︎🅴︎🆂︎🆂︎: There is a simple process to start it. Sit down easily and comfortably. Keep your spine erect. Open your eyes, see this beautiful digital flowering video calmly. Think positive whatever comes in your mind by seeing the scenes. In this session per 2 minute take a long breath in and  breath out slowly and slowly.
At last you will feel much energetic, calm and happy.

Key Words :

Open eyed meditaion book,
Open eyed meditaion apps,
Open eyed meditaion centre,
Open third eyed meditaion
Open eye meditaion benefit
Open eyed meditaion developer
Open eye meditaion book
Open eye meditaion pdf.